Advantages of Retractable Roof Systems

Retractable roofing is a clever system designed to allow the roof louvre blades to retract back to let you enjoy the skies above as you see fit, or if you require overhead shelter, bring the roof back in place for your haven. Retractable Opening Roofs are being specified in homes, restaurants & bars that wish to provide a controllable, outdoor experience to their occupants with simply pushing a button. Retractable Opening Roofs are rectangular in shape and are custom made to your precise measurements.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of installing a Louvretec Retractable Opening Roof system.

Retractable Roofs lets you set and control conditions in your home or building

retractable roof

A Retractable Opening Roof gives you protection from the hot summer sun & enjoyment on those out of the box sunny winter days.   Protect in summer and enjoy in winter. Installing a Retractable Opening Roof gives you the best of both worlds. More room in your home to gather, entertain and relax in however if you wish to enjoy a summer breeze and the clouds above simply retract the louvre blades back and be a part of the great outdoors. On the other hand, if the heavens open, bring the louvres back in place for shelter. When the louvres are back overhead they are able to turn up to 180 degrees letting you set and control conditions.

Add Value to Your Home

New spaces add to your home in so many ways. The clever Retractable Opening Roof is a premium option for creating more space by opening your home up to the outdoors resulting in a  functional, outdoor room. They add a stunning design aesthetic to your home which can add value.

Enjoy an evening summer breeze and shut off the air conditioning, or let the party continue if the weather turns.


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