Dealer | Canterbury

Location: Louvretec Canterbury/Louvretec Christchurch
Address: 107 Main South Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042
Phone: 03 374 3263
Postal: 107 Main South Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm
Visit our Outdoor Display and view the Louvretec Christchurch RETRACTABLE Roof and Super Opening Roof.
The Canterbury Nor’wester roars across the plains in spring and summer - it’s notorious around the Canterbury region, with the hot, dry gusts disrupting many BBQs and outdoor events. So what do you do when it’s too sunny to be indoors, but the hot, dry Nor’westerly makes enjoying outside impossible? What if you could make the most of your outdoor areas while being sheltered from the wind?
With Louvretec, you can enjoy the beauty and weather of the great outdoors while being sheltered from the elements.
Retractable mesh and PVC outdoor blinds are perfect for Christchurch homes. They transform patios and decks into outdoor entertaining spaces, making it possible to enjoy the outdoors during fair, windy days, and without spoiling the view.
Mesh blinds can help you find the right balance of shade, sheltering you from the harsh winds and the sun’s glare. All Louvretec retractable blinds are fully adjustable, and can also be customised to match your home’s design. They are discreet and minimalist, so when they’re fully retracted, no one would know they were there at all!
What would you do if you knew you could enjoy a BBQ, or a garden party, whatever the weather was throwing at you? See how Louvretec can transform your outdoor area, contact us today. Our qualified installers will come to you, anywhere in Canterbury, for a free measure and quote. Our talented team can discuss options and even custom design a plan to best suit your home. Take the first step towards your outdoor transformation, and contact the team at Louvretec Christchurch today.